
Congratulations, you're at Week 22


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Childbirth education and tools to work with in Labour.

So it's no surprise that this topic is one of our favourites - after all, we are childbirth educators and we have seen first hand the difference good education can make.

We have both lost count of the number of couples that have turned up at our classes looking absolutely terrified and dreading the whole birth experience. For most of them what they believe birth to be about it what they have seen on television and the horror stories they hear from friends and family.

The main objective for most nearly all couples is to get the baby out safely and how to keep trauma to a minimum.

What is wonderful to observe is that once you begin to normalise birth and explain to couples the way the body is designed to work and how what we see on television is not an accurate portrayal of birth - a lightness and excitement begins to cross their faces and all of a sudden the possibility of having a positive birth is achievable.

In this video, we explore the benefits of good education and what to look for in a class as well as what you may learn.

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